Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Interactve Narration Script

This is a complete outline of the 4 stories thatare going to be intertwined in mine and Erin's interactive narrtion.  The 4 strangers will all be drawn towards the same ending.

In a world where strangers are brought together by stranger things: 4 people from different lives are united one afternoon to satisfy a strange fate.  These are their stories:

“Life may not always lead you down the same path, but it is the little things that bring us all together.”

1.      Sorority Girl (Dorm Style – Ramen Noodle Poor)
·         Wakes up to Ipod blaring some Hip Hop (Kesha?)
o   Camera Shot of alarm slap, time – 8:35 AM
·         Looks at computer, Facebook up, sees notification of profit share Delta 5k fun run at 10am
o   Camera Shot with girl typing, focus on computer in background, girl in foreground (blurry)
o   Camera pans around to see girls face as she picks up phone
·         Stands and Calls Friend: “OMG, LOL, TTYL, Totes Presh…blah blah”
·         Hangs up and runs in bathroom
o   Camera follow her till door closes, stays looking at closed door
·         Comes out immediately with typical outfit on – Large shirt or v neck, norts, high socks, sneakers, and a high ponytail, tons of makeup
o   Camera still looking in same spot, does an up/down motion to see whole outfit
o   Camera pans as she runs out door, grabs Ipod on way out
·         Stretching out on street, Turns Ipod on – music begins playing
o   Next camera shot on street watching her stretch
·         Begins running
o   Camera in front watching facial expressions
o   Begins to pan around her to the backside
·         Runs past a bright red sign, which catches her attention, Stops.
o   Camera zooms in past girl to read sign
·         LAST DAY FOR FREE BOX OF GIRL SCOUT COOKIES!!! Spence Park, beginning at 9AM!!!!
·         Checks watch, time – 9:05 AM
o   Camera shot of time on watch
o   Camera shot of just her face (slow-motion?) freaking out
·         Takes off in the different direction she was running
o   Camera follows her until she is out of distance
·         Appears in Spence Park
o   Camera behind her as she gets closer and closer to Girl Scouts in the background, begins to reach out…. CLIFFHANGER

2.      Business Man (Well Off – Successful Life)
·         Wakes Up to Alarm Blaring
o   Camera Shot of Alarm Slap, time – 8:15 AM
o   Next shot of him still in bed, “tired sigh,” claps and lights turn on, and grabs remote to turn TV on
o   Camera shot changes to view Weather Channel, hear man getting up in the background
·         Shuffles in pajamas over to closet, then into the bathroom
o   Camera pans from bed to closet, following motion
o   Zooms in on hand grab of suit and shoes already ready to go
o   Camera pans from closet to bathroom, following his motion
o   Stays focused on closed door
·         Man comes out immediately after going in all dressed and clean shaven (Full suit, shoes on, watch, Bluetooth, iphone, briefcase in hand, glasses on to appear smarter)
o   Camera does an up/down motion to see whole outfit
o   Next shot man grabbing car keys on dresser as he walks out of the room
·         Now in garage
o   Camera shot of man getting in Cadillac
o   Close up of hand turning keys, hear engine roar in background
o   Classical music begins to play
·         Driving
o   Camera shot of man pulling out on to street
o   Camera still shot, car enters left – same view until exit right
o   Camera shot inside the car looking out at street
·         Flyer hits and sticks to window
o   Camera zooms on flyer: LAST DAY FOR FREE BOX OF GIRL SCOUT COOKIES!!! Spence Park, beginning at 9AM!!!!
o   Camera shot of man’s watch, time – 9:05 AM
o   Camera shot of man’s face freaking out
o   Camera shot of car making hard turn right and then speeding out of scene
·         Pulls up at Spence Park
o   Camera shot of whole car and in the background is the park. Zoom in on man getting out, not even shutting door, and running into park
o   Camera shot of man’s face, begins to pan around to back where you see Girl Scout’s in background, man reaches out…CLIFFHANGER

3.      Tattoo Artist/Person (living on couch in his studio)
·         Wakes up to Ipod blaring Death Metal
o   Camera shot of alarm slap, time – 8:40 AM
·         Sits up on couch, wipes eyes, coughs, grabs beer that is next to couch, takes a swig and gargles with it as he walks towards bathroom
o   Camera follow motion
·         Spits beer in sink
o   Camera behind him (don’t see him spit it but hear it)
·         Stands up straight    
o   Camera Zooms in on man and features – nose ring, tattoos everywhere, wife beater, baggy jeans, dangling chain
·         Smells armpit, makes vomit face, but turns around from mirror anyway
·         Looks at fridge to see to do list, grabs it: Need more Ink! Go to store; Milk; Eggs; Beer; Monster: Donuts; Client Coming in @ 3 PM
o   Camera zoom in on list
o   Camera follow his motion as he walks out door
·         Heading down the street, gets cigarette out, feels his phone vibrate in pocket, reaches in and grabs it
o   Camera zoom on text from a friend: “Dude! LAST DAY FOR FREE BOX OF GIRL SCOUT COOKIES!!! Spence Park, beginning at 9AM!!!!”
o   Camera shot of clock tower or clock close by to where he’s walking, time – 9:05 AM
o   Camera shot of the man’s face freaking out
·         Starts running in direction he was going throws cigarette
o   Camera stationary until man leaves shot
o   Next shot he’s all sweaty and panting, entering park
·         Sees Girl Scout Stand, running in from side, reaching out… CLIFFHANGER

4.      Hobo (Dirt Poor – Literally)
·         Dog Barking
o   Camera shot of hand slap on dog’s nose, dog stops
o   Camera pans out to see whole shot of hobo under the bridge with a dog (Man pulls of newspapers as sheets)
o   Setting very dirty, cardboard boxes, trash around
·         Pulls newspapers off and looks at wrist
o   Zooms in on drawn on watch on wrist, time shows 8:45 AM
·         Gets up and stretches
·         Walks over to a box of stuff
o   Camera follow movement
o   Camera look just into box as his hand (cut of gloves with fingers exposed) digs threw it, pulls out a gross toothbrush
o   Camera shot of toothbrush being dipped in nasty river
o   Camera shot of zoom in toothbrush in mouth
o   Camera shot of spit hitting river water
o   Camera pans back out, tosses toothbrush back in box
·         He grabs his coin jar and leash with dog on it and walks away from his bridge
o   Camera follows him walking for a little
·         Sees the girl scout sign in the distance
·         Drops both the jar and dog and sprints towards it
o   Camera watch as man runs away
o   Next shot of Girl Scout’s seeing man: frightened faces   
o   Shot of Hobo with tongue out reaching for cookies… CLIFFHANGER


·         Huge collision at table, cookies fly up and spill on ground. Dog gets them instead of anybody else??

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