Stop Animation Films
This video deals with the use of stop animation using post-it notes to tell a story. The video isvery fluid and flows together real well. I like it becasue of the simplicity and the music fits the playful/colorfull teme portraye by the post-its.
This vieo intrigues me because it uses eveyday household items and creates an animation that any generation can relate too. Having something that the audience can relate too such as Space Aliens (the cupcake, muffins, and candle scenes) as well as the PacMan scene with the pizza and play dough allows for more audience connection.
Seeing this vdeo allowed me to undestand that you can make someone move in stop animation without them appearing to "step" or anything, it almost gives them the appearance of sliding across the ground. I really enjoyed the effect that gave off and hope to utilize it in makig one of my own short clips.
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